Use of images agreement

I, the undersigned, hereby authorize Cartello S.r.l. (hereinafter also the “Company”) to use and/or disseminate my photographic images free of charge (hereinafter also the “Material”), uploaded by myself into my personal account created within the platform [•] ( “Platform”) and the Orizon mobile application (“App”), for the purposes of their use and their publication and dissemination within the Platform and the App.

This authorization implies the granting of a non-exclusive, indefinite-term license, transferable to third parties, for the use of the Material within the EU, and includes the rights referred to in the articles. from 12 to 19 of the law of 22 April 1941, n. 633. In any case, any use of the Material which could cause damage to the honour, reputation, dignity or decorum of the person portrayed is excluded.

I declare that I have no contractual constraints that prevent the diffusion of my image and the exploitation of the Material that portrays me. I grant to the Company the right to use, disseminate, display and publish in any format the Material that portrays me within the Platform and the App.

I declare, for clarity, that all authorizations granted with this release are issued with reference to EU countries, in perpetuity, royalty-free and transferable. I renounce any financial claims and/or compensation relating to the granting of the aforementioned authorizations and the exploitation of the Material. I expressly, as of now, renounce making claims against the Company for compensation for any damages resulting from the use of the Material in accordance with this release.

With the authorization hereby I also declare that I have been informed that my personal data will be processed by the Company, as Data Controller, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as well as with the information provided pursuant to and for the purposes referred to in the art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.